Donation For Park

Looking for a gift for the person that has everything? Maybe that hard to buy for parent or grandparent? Or perhaps a memorial in memory of a loved one?


It is with deep appreciation The Kalida Park Foundation thanks and remembers longtime Kalida resident Ed Holtkamp Jr. for remembering the Kalida Parks in his estate planning.

Ed’s generous donation initiates our new Endowment Fund with seed money, in hopes that others might join financially to help us achieve some of the major community dreams of the future.

As our parks continue to be developed, we continue to receive input from residents regarding possible additional amenities and facilities that might enhance Kalida parks and serve our community better. As the list of the “major wishes” develops, we will prioritize them with hopes of funding some of them in the future. As you can imagine,many of these dreams and wishes will require substantial funding to become reality. One of these dreams is a Community Center. Other major items have been requested by our community members as well.

Please consider a gift to The Kalida Park Endowment Fund, either now, or in your Estate Planning.

The Kalida Park committee has compiled a list of items, that you might want to consider purchasing and donating to the New Park. For more information, call Dick Schulte at 419-615-7221. All items will be acknowledged with a donor plaque which will be located on or next to each item when placed in the park. The Kalida Park Foundation is an IRS qualified 501 ( c ) 3.

Just want to make a cash donation to the park to help fund further development? This donor board is located in the meeting room inside Northside Shelter. Donor levels on this board start at $500(Bronze). Additional levels are Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Titanium. Add to your initial donation at a later date, and your donor tag will be adjusted to the new corresponding level.

Contact Bill Rieman at 419-303-7481 if interested in placing your name on this board.

Patron of Kalida Parks $250

A plaque will be placed on one of the several Kiosks to be located throughout our parks. Kiosks

will have a map of the various park areas on one side, while the other side of the Kiosk will

showcase these “Patrons of Kalida Parks”.

In the new Plum Creek Nature Area, a donor wall was incorporated into the design. This wall is located by the outdoor classroom overlooking the pond. While the development of Plum Creek Nature Area was partially funded through OPWC Green space grants, The Kalida Park Board has plans to continue with further projects in this Nature Area.

A $500 donation will support this cause and includes your engraved donor brick in this wall to acknowledge and show your support. This also offers a great opportunity to place a donor brick in memory of a neighbor, friend, or loved one.

Tree $300

*Limited availability. Contact Dick Schulte at 419-615-7221 to verify current availability/needs.

*Donations for trees are accepted year round with the intent of all sold donor trees being planted and a plaque installed in the fall of each year. (Trees are planted in the fall, to assure the best opportunity to survive and flourish)

Walking Path $1000

Includes donor identification in concrete

Replacement Flag Fund $300

Replacement Flag Fund Plaque